Join our Branch

Are you retired or semi-retired and want to make new friends, participate in fun activities and better enjoy your leisure time?

SIR Membership is open to men regardless of age, race, national origin or religion. Begun in 1958, SIR has thousands of members and branches in most areas of Central and Northern California. Surely there is a Branch near you.

We create activities that our members enjoy.

We have monthly luncheons with interesting speakers and good fellowship.  Additionally, our members have lots of fun doing a variety of other activities such as golf, fishing, bowling,  card games and computers. Many activities like travel, dining, picnics,  and holiday parties include our ladies and guests. 

But there are some things that we don't do!

We don't raise money. We don't have a political agenda. We don't have a  religious orientation. We don't sell light bulbs or anything else. We don't have a problem with organizations that do these things, its just that we don't. You've paid your dues to  the working world - it's time to enjoy life.

DownloadMembership Application Page 1.pdf 
Adobe Acrobat document [892.0 KB]

DownloadMembership Application Page 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [766.0 KB]

Please download and print both pages of the above membership application.

Bring completed application to our meeting or give to your membership sponsor.

DownloadDownload a Trifolded handout for new here

For additional information call (530) XXX-XXXX (Big SIR)
or E-mail: to request information.



SIR Branch 55 - Grass Valley & Nevada City, California